Monday 8 July 2013

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

Carrot cake recipe

Carrot is such an ingredient which is found in almost every kitchen.

It has a lot of benefits. It improves vision , helps in cancer prevention, helps in anti ageing , provides healthy glowing skin when used as a mask , is a powerful antiseptic , makes skin beautiful , prevents heart diseases, cleans the body , maintains healthy teeth and gums and much more.

So why don't make a dish out of it which is so healthy and of course is favourite of all. This recipe is easy to prepare and  really satisfies our sweet cravings in a healthy way. So, let's see what are the ingredients that are needed.

Carrot cake Ingredients:-

1. Sugar 1 Cup
2. Grated carrot 1 Cup
3. Plain Flour                1 & 1/2 Cup
4. Crushed pineapple with juice(canned)        1/2 cup
5. Baking Powder 1 tsp
6. Baking Soda1 tsp
7. Vanilla Extract 1 tsp
8. Oil 2/3 cup
9. Eggs 2
10. Salt 1/2 tsp
11. Cinnamon 1 tsp

Cream cheese frosting Ingredients:-

1. Cream cheese 125 gm
2. Butter 1 tbsp
3. Icing sugar               1 & 1/2 Cup
4. Vanilla essence1/2 tsp

Carrot cake procedure:-

1) Take a bowl and mix all ingredients for the cake.

2) Beat on medium speed for a couple of minutes.

3) Pour the mixture into a greased tin or microwave dish.

4) Bake at 180 degree Celsius for 40 to 45 minutes.

5) Let it cool down and refrigerate for 15 -20 minutes.

 For the cream cheese topping :-

1) Mix together cream cheese , vanilla essence and butter.

2) Gradually add icing sugar to taste.

3) Spread over cold cake base stored in refrigerator.

4) Enjoy with your family and friends. :)

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Wednesday 3 July 2013

Magical chocolaty bread cake

Eggless bread cake recipe

Magical chocolaty bread cake is a sweet pudding liked by all age groups. This chocolaty pudding is prepared using bread. No need of microwave oven , no need of gas burner and even no need of special skills.
The recipe I am sharing today is so simple to make that it seems to be like a magical dish which will come to your table in no time. It is really easy to do recipe and doesn't take much labor. So easy that even boys can make it. Yes boys! I am challenging you. Prepare this sweet dish for your loved ones and see the magical results on their faces. Let us start with the super-duper Ingredients.

Eggless bread cake Ingredients:-

1. Bread slices 4
2. Cocoa powder 2 tbsp
3. Walnuts               1 & 2 tbsp
4. Icing sugar3 tbsp
5. Milk 500 ml
6. Sugar4 tbsp
7. Custard powder 5 tbsp
8. Vanilla essence 1 tsp
9. Cherries (for decoration) 8-10
10. Tutty-fruity (for decoration)   4 tsp

Eggless bread cake Procedure :-

  • Remove the sides of bread slices and mash roughly.
  • Put bread crumbs, cocoa powder , icing sugar and walnuts in a mixer and blend to get smooth crumbs.
  • Layer half the crumbs at the bottom of a small serving dish and pat it. 
  • Take a pan and boil milk in it.
  • Take out some of the milk from it and add custard to it . Mix well.
  • Add this mixture to boiled milk and cook for 5-7 minutes stirring continuously on low heat.
  • Add sugar and let it cool down. Add vanilla essence to it.
  • Pour 4-5 tbsp custard over layered bread crumbs and keep it in fridge for 10 minutes.
  • When crumbs are set. pour half of the remaining custard over the layer.
  • Sprinkle the remaining bread crumbs.
  • Finally add the remaining custard and refrigerate till set.
  • Decorate with cherries and tutty fruity.
  • Enjoy the magical chocolaty cake with your family and friends.
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Happy cooking! :)